Days & Nights of Natalie

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Oral surgeon

Today I went to see the Oral Surgeon for a consult. I go back next Friday to have four teeth removed. No date night next Friday. I have to be there by 13:45, they prefer 13:30. I am scared and yet I am not. The surgeon was great. He walked me through everything that will happen and things that might occur from the surgery. He made sure to cover to cover all of the bases. This is especially good (for those that do not know around doctors) because I freeze up when asked questions from doctors. I only thought to ask how soon and how much. That was only because I knew Kelly would want to know those answers. I am proud of myself. Normally I would chicken out. I never call doctors, dentists or surgeons to make appointments, but I did call this time. I am even not nearly as scared about going back for the surgery. This doctor/surgeon makes me feel comfortable with him. I have to find someone to drive me there and back. I have to take a valium two hours before the surgery, to relax me. Once I get there they will numb my arm with a topical solution and then insert the IV. Shortly after the IV is in and they start the drip I will be out cold. The surgery lasts about 45 minutes. I also need to find someone to watch Elle during the surgery. The doctor explained to me that for the next 24 - 48 hours I will be really out of it. I am on a complete liquid diet for about four days. This is because of the location of the four teeth and the damage they have already caused. It is better to be safe about my mouth and its healing. It is only a few days and will not kill me. I have already bought meat broth, juice, gatorade, water, etc. He also gave me prescription for meperidine/prometh (demerol), for pain. See one tooth sits on/in a Maxillary Sinus cavity and two more are up against both of Maxillary Sinus cavities. The forth tooth is embedded in my nerve in the lower jaw. It is my three wisdom teeth and one of my 12 year molars, that a wisdom tooth has impacted on and caused the tooth to decay and crumble. The funny thing is that, the 12 year molar is the worst and you can't even see the damage, just by looking with the naked eye. All of the damage is in the back of the tooth. The Wisdom tooth that is impacted into it is also sitting sideways. When I was leaving, and made the appointment for the surgery, they asked me for my for pharmacy's phone number. They are calling in the prescriptions the day before the surgery so that I can stop by the pharmacy on the way to the surgery and pick them up. This is so I don't have to worry about having to stop and pick them up after have surgery...I will already have them. Anyone that has gone through (any) surgery knows that it is the worst thing in the world to have to stop and get your prescriptions filled right after surgery. You are in great pain, are extremely tired, and don't want to have to deal with anyone. I had to take a Demerol when I got home. My head was throbbing with such an intense pain. It felt like a gopher was in the process of burrowing in my head, with his family. I have had Demerol one other time in my life...when I was in labor with Elle. It was the only thing they could give me to help with the pain. I have arthritis and a degenerative spinal disorder with it. So I could have them insert anything into my back. (They only thought to tell me this once I was already 8 cm.) During the labor I would scream out in pain, during the contractions, and then would fall asleep as soon as the contractions would decrease. Then as soon as the contractions would start to increase I would wake up screaming. You see the pattern here? So, right now I am kind-of out-of-it.


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