Days & Nights of Natalie

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Kelly is always telling me that I need to publish more of my life stories on my blog. This is hard for me to do. I will try for him, though.

I have asthma and have had it my whole life. One thing I found at an early age was that sleeping with a pillow or stuffed animal under my arm helps me breathe better during the night. This in it self is not really a bad thing...except at summer church camp, as a teenager. I got dogged so bad for having my teddy bear with me. Actually I had two there. One of the bears I used under my arm the other was just very soft and made a great pillow. The kids, from my church, at the Lutheran camp hid the bears from me one day and I freaked. I guess I really need to explain that I was not liked by everyone. I was a year or two older than most of the other kids going through conformation class. On top of that, I was a size 0/1 and 32DD and only 4'11". Some of the other girls just would not give me the chance to think about liking me. I only had one boyfriend at that church. His name was Peter. He very suddenly broke up with me one day and started hanging out with the main girl leading the witch hunt for me. This was shortly before we went to summer camp. It was also right before my birthday. I though she hated me before, you should have seen her the first time she saw me at the pool at camp. I must admit that I did not have the body of a fifteen year old. I had the body of a full grown adult woman, with a great figure. (It has changed quite a bit since then.) She was really out to get me, after seeing me in my bathing suit. She put a scorpion in my bed and another in my bag. Had the boys hide my bears from me. She pored out all of my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. (Two can play at that game.) Thankfully, I am a much nicer person and befriended many of the other girls, from other churches, who let me use their care goods. While she could not get anyone to let her share. Karma. However, by the end of the two weeks, I had made many new friends and really did not let her get to me. She did not make really make any new friends. No one wanted to be around her, except Peter. The funny thing about all of this is that I still wanted to go back the next year. The camp itself (and God) made we love it and want to go back. I still have never seen the sky that clear at night. The really funny thing is that at that same time frame Kelly and his family were attending the same Lutheran Church I was. We did not know this until about two months (or so) ago. Okay time to go to bed.


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