Days & Nights of Natalie

Monday, September 12, 2005

Life is not easy

Kelly and I were suppose to go to his friend's wedding on Saturday. We did not go. We did not go because we could not afford the trip this weekend and he wanted to clean up the apartment before my mom comes down. (My mom is staying with us the weekend of September 23 - 25, for the wedding rehearsal and bridal shower.) Since we did not go to Austin, I went to a friend's baby shower. She only lives twenty minutes away. She is a friend of mine from ten years ago and I really wanted to see her. We were not going to the wedding any way. But, some how I know that I will be blamed for us not going to the wedding. I asked Kelly over and over if he was sure that he did not want to go. He kept saying no, that we had too much to do and he was not originally invited to the wedding. He said that originally only family was invited to the wedding. I told Kelly that if we don't go to the wedding then we have to go to the party next weekend. We were invited to both. I will rant more about this later.
Now here is real reason I am on here now...the reason that I have not been able to sleep correctly for weeks.
Julie, she is one of my best-friends. She is my Matron-of-Honor. She is trying to take over my wedding. She is not planning my bridal shower, that is suppose to be in less than two weeks. She was originally going to have it at her house and it was going to be a pot-luck. Her house is in a small town an hour southwest of Houston. I know that just for me this would have been hard for me to do that day. I have to drive to Conroe to pick up my mom, on Friday. Sunday I have to drive Mom home. Monica, my biological mom, has to drive down from Plantersville. You can imagine everyone else has their drives too. Gas is at almost $3.00 a gallon. So I went to Double Dave's (here in Houston) and asked if they have parties there. They said that they can reserve a large area and it is free. Everyone just pays for their own buffet and drink. Everyone I have told about this likes the idea. It is centrally located, too. When I first found out about Double Dave's, I tried to get a hold of Julie and Ronni. Both of their phones were out that weekend. So I made an invitation for it, for an idea. I went ahead and gave a couple of these out to friends that I have ran into, that I don't have an address for. Julie does not like the idea of Double Dave's. She instead (now) wants to have it at the cafe where her husband is a manager. She says that this is because it is easier to give directions too and that it is free. Oh, she can decorate the little (I really do mean little) room however she wants to. The bridal shower is less than two weeks away. What the hell is she waiting for. It to pass by, before making up her mind and sending out the invitations. When I was on the phone with her (last night) talking about the shower, and various other things, she put down Kelly. She yelled at me for not giving her all the information about Double Dave's. And, she is suddenly changing the venue for the bridal shower. I already wanted to ask her to step down as Matron-of-honor (for all of the other shit she has said), but last night it took everything I have to not yell it at her. I know I need to be calm when I tell her. I have had so many people tell me that I should just kick her out of the wedding, but I just want her to step down to a bridesmaid. She has said so many things that have hurt me and Kelly, that I am having a hard time just talking to her. Half of the people in the wedding party want to kick her butt, for things she did to them. It is not easy trying to keep everyone else calmed down when she keeps saying and doing things to hurt me and Kelly. What is worse is that if I point out what she has done, she will justify it all. At least to herself. It has been pointed out that the longer I wait the worse it will be. She is suppose to be my best-friend. All of the friends that we share, call her a drama-queen. I don't think that she knows that. When I tell any of them about the way she has been acting, they all ask what did I expect. I expected her to be a friend and support me in my decisions for my wedding. I did not expect her to try and make it all about her. I still have not told her that we can afford to pay for her husband, mother, and grand-mother to get in, for the wedding. She (and her family) is expecting us to pay for them to get in. So now I have to decide if I am paying for my family to get or her family to get in. This is not a hard decision. I am paying for my family to get in. This is my only wedding. I want as much of my family to be there as possible. I already have two brothers that can not make it. Trevor and James are both in the Army and can't come to the wedding. I really wish that they could attend the wedding. I would like for her family to be there, but I am not going to give up my family being there for her family. I certainly am not going to ask Kelly to give up his family either. That would be crazy. I would not want him to nor would I ever ask. She has had three weddings and I am only having one. She married her husband twice, once in Jamaica and once her to make it legal. They felt it was easier that way to not have to worry about all of the paper work. I was going to have a party for them (out at faire last year) for their marriage, but Mom went into the hospital right before that. I, also, could not afford to take the time off or afford the party. Her family got upset to see me out there when I had to go pick up Elle from Betsy. They wanted to know what I was doing out there with my mom so sick. I tried to explain that Betsy was baby-sitting for me and brought Elle out there. I need to try to get some sleep.


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